Highest Paying Part-Time Job Opportunities in Canada for International Students

Highest Paying Part-Time Job Opportunities in Canada for International Students

Highest Paying Part-Time Job Opportunities in Canada for International Students

How far can those part-time jobs support Indian students in canada?

It is unlikely but not impossible. As an International student, you will have to pay a considerable tuition fee upfront of CAD 20k a year, which will be well beyond any typical student job. You will never get a Study permit if you do not convince Visa Officer beforehand that you have and will have enough funds to pay for tuition and living expenses. Many International students work 20 hours per week, which may give them way more than the minimum needed for living expenses but not enough to cover International student tuition fees and other University expenses. There is no restriction on the hours per week for International students working on campus but working more than 20 hours per week out of campus violates the terms and conditions of your study permit as per the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). One could lose student status and get escalated to the disapproval of further study or work permits. However, you can merely work 20 hours per week off-campus during academic semesters of four-month each and full-time during the two-month summer and winter breaks.

What are the highest-paying part-time jobs in Canada?

Server/bartender. It is not the highest-paying job per hour in Canada, but remember those tips!
Sales assistant is a decent job on weekends when town and city centers become filled with shoppers
-> Barista
-> Dog walker
-> Tutor
-> Ride-sharing driver/delivery driver
-> Be self-employed/contractor
-> Engage in business activity/starting your own business
-> Be employed as a professional sportsperson
-> Be employed as an entertainer (DJ, musician, etc.)
-> Yoga guru

Again, it depends on where they live. For example, if a student does a Course at Waterloo, Toronto, or York Universities, it will be way 70% to 90% higher. If you cook for yourself, your monthly expenses will range between $250 and $400. Other expenses, such as travel, laundry, miscellaneous, and so on, would vary from person to person.

However, to get your visa to study here, you need to pay several thousand CAD for the visa application, pay the first year’s University fees upfront and show that you have enough money for your expenses for the year. So if you have the initial money upfront, then you can save for the following year by working while studying.

The fee largely depends upon your status in Canada. If you are a PR student i.e., a permanent resident, the College/University fees are standard, but if you are a foreign individual, you will end up paying almost thrice what a PR will pay for the same degree. However, after one year of residing in Canada, you will be able to apply for permanent residency, and once you turn up to be a permanent resident, you will be allowed to have the reimbursement of the tuition fee above the local student level. That means the University will pay you back a lot of money. Your tuition fee will be fully deductible from your tax returns after graduation until you remain a working professional in Canada.

You will be entitled to the loans and bursaries program. It means the government will give you $6 to 12k CAD per year, depending upon your choice of studies, and the concession could amount to half the total amount. After graduation, the remaining loan will be paid back over ten years at a low-interest rate as long as you continue to work in Canada. That means to enjoy those fantastic advantages, you will have to pay a lot of money upfront and work super hard for the first one and two years. It will become downhill hereafter.

The cost of tuition can vary according to the University. If you are in an affordable University, whose tuition fee is down to earth, then it is possible to do it. But if you plan to go to a University, whose tuition fee is around CAD 25000 or more. Then it is almost impossible. If it is difficult to pay tuition fees, you can apply for affordable Universities. Many Universities in Canada are affordable even for International students.

Memorial University stands at the top of the affordable Universities with a decent ranking. It is pretty good and is located in St. John’s, an inexpensive city. The tuition for the Memorial is $12000 per year, and the cost of staying on campus is around $4800 a semester, including food and stay

Some cost-effective Universities in Canada are Brandon University, Canadian Mennonite University, South Alberta Institute of Technology, and the Concordia University of Edmonton. You can apply for one of them.

You need not assume that these universities are under-equipped or ill-quipped simply because they are inexpensive but rather get funded by the Canadian government.

Average Skilled Hourly Wage
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

However, some University jobs, such as teaching or research assistant, may pay you more than other part-time jobs and seem exemplary on your resume too.

To earn $30000 for a semester, you must work 20 hours per week, 80 hours per month, and 320 hours per semester, plus 40 hours per week during the summer or winter vacation, for a total of 640 hours. So you will need a job that pays $46.87 an hour on average to save the necessary amount excluding all household expenses. If you locate such a job, you may be able to pay your tuition by working part-time. If you are unable to locate such a job, you can seek a bank loan, as most international students do. Repay your loan with part-time employment. In that case, you need not put any burden on your parents.

Canada is an expensive country. What may look like decent compensation to a person in a developing country is nowhere enough here. And there is not any way to earn enough money in the 20 hours per week to cover all your university expenses. If it were, we would have so many intelligent but poor International students trying to come here, leaving no room for kids of this land.

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